




    该剧讲述一次外星人的攻击让地球上的人类几乎消灭殆尽,只有少数人类还在为生存而战。艾米丽(埃德加-琼斯饰)发现她能与外星人产生奇怪的个人联系。在第二季中,入侵者是人类的可能性弄得所有人晕头转向,等待他们的是一场夺回地球的紧张战斗。霍华德·欧尔曼(《梅林传奇》)操刀剧本。该 剧将于6月6日登陆EPIX。  Set-in present-day Europe, War of the Worlds is a multi-faceted series, based on the story by H.G. Wells. When astronomers detect a transmission from another galaxy, it is definitive proof of intelligent extra-terrestrial life. The world’s population waits for further contact with baited breath. They do not have to wait long. Within days, mankind is all but wiped out; just pockets of humanity are left in an eerily deserted world.  As alien ships appear in the sky, the survivors ask a burning question – who are these attackers and why are they hell-bent on our destruction? This is a story of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances - but they are more than just victims in a brutal war. For, as we will come to realize, the aliens’ savage attack on earth is not arbitrary: its seeds are being sown before our very eyes.


    • 黛西·埃德加-琼斯
    • 巴约·巴达莫西
    • 蕾雅·德吕盖
    • 安妮亚·索文斯金
    • 艾米-费欧‧爱德华兹
    • Thom Ashley
    • 娜塔莎·里特
    • 泰·田纳特
    • 加布里埃尔·伯恩
    • 珀尔·香达
    • 亚伦·赫弗南
    • 加布里埃尔·阿库乌迪克
    • 唐娜巴妮亚
    • 罗伯特·埃姆斯
    • 里奥·比尔
    • 阿德尔·本谢里夫
    • 威廉·阿什
    • 斯蒂芬·坎贝尔·莫尔
    • 斯特芬·凯亚尔
    • 奥利弗·泽特斯特姆
    • Jay Lycurgo
    • Jonathan Gunning

