The story follows father Baby and son Sibi navigating three intertwined romantic storylines set against Kattappana's scenic backdrop, blending humor with relatable love tales for a multigenerational audience.
The story follows father Baby and son Sibi navigating three intertwined romantic storylines set against Kattappana's scenic backdrop, blending humor with relatable love tales for a multigenerational audience.
演员:迈克尔·阿伯特 维吉尼亚·纽科姆 安德·海兰德 莎拉·贝克 杰丝·威克斯勒 Poppy Cunningham Roy Wood Jr. 苏妮特·玛尼 Janelle Cochrane Jamie O Bell Christopher Campbell Ian J. Cunningham Wes Frazer Jennifer Freehling Eugene Henry 丹尼尔·施纳特