Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s taut drama evokes a reality that is painfully immediate, as the world combusts around us. Alex Lutz (recently seen as the son in Gaspar Noé’s Vortex) plays a man determined to escape with his elderly father (the ineffable André Dussollier) from a wildfire that is rapidly a...
演员:丽莎·泰格 Fabian Svegaard Tapia 艾伦·多丽特·彼得森 菲利普·安德瑞·波铁洛 Morad Aziman Bao Andre Nguyen Christine Grace Szarko Georgia May Anta Bboy Junior Léa Djyl Keiona Salah Benlemqawanssa Adeline Tayoro Martine Mbock Kevin Staincq