主演:桑德里娜·博内尔 Setti Ramdane Francis Balchère Jean-Louis Perletti Urbain Causse Christophe Alcazar Dominique Durand Joël Fosse Patrick Schmit Daniel Bos Katy Champaud Raymond Roulle Henri Fridlani Patrick Sokol Pierre Imbert
简介:An ancient Chippewa demon, the WINDIGO, is resurrected by a Native American teenager and his grandmother to protect their family after a run-in with back-woods meth dealers. They soon discover that the creature's lust for killing cannot be controlled
主演:汤米·弗拉纳根 Mandy Matthews William Eadie Michelle Stewart Lynne Ramsay Jr. Leanne Mullen John Miller Jackie Quinn James Ramsay Anne McLean Craig Bonar Andrew McKenna Mick Maharg James Montgomery Thomas McTaggart Stewart Gordon Stephen Sloan Molly Innes Stephe
简介:故事发生在1973年的格拉斯哥,对于男孩詹姆斯(威廉·艾迪 William Eadie 饰)来说,这个夏天并不好过,炎炎的烈日让人怎么都打不起精神,而清洁工人的大罢工让街道瞬间变成了堆满了腐臭垃圾